We all know that drinking water is good for us, but do you know why? Do you know how much you should be drinking? Are you aware of all the benefits of drinking water? IF not, it’s time to learn why you need focus on the most important macronutrient: WATER. WHY YOU NEED TO DRINK WATERFirst let’s start with the fact that our body is made up of approximately 60% water: our brain & heart 73%, lungs 83%, skin 64%, muscles 79%, Kidneys 79%, adipose tissue (fat) 10%, blood 80%. Life would not exist without water and none of our bodily functions would work efficiently without proper hydration. Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain all bodily functions. Without adequate water, every single function in your body will work less efficiently. This includes using stored body fat for energy and building muscle, not to mention regulating hormones and carrying out all chemical reactions. You may think when you’re thirsty that is your cue that you need water. Actually, you are already dehydrated by the time you’re feeling thirsty. So it’s important to rehydrate throughout the day regardless of thirst. You can do this by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. Avoid sugary drinks and drinks that contain caffeine. Throughout the day you are losing water through perspiration, elimination, digestion and even breathing. If you exercise or live in a hot, humid environment, perform strenuous exercise for work, or are sick, you need even move than the traditionally recommended 8, 8-ounce glasses a day. How much you need exactly depends on age, weight, and activity level. Without water at all, life would not be possible. But, get enough water consistently and this is what you can expect. Benefits of Water
Now that you know all the good drinking water can do for you, how can you make sure you get enough? I’ve been coaching clients for 30 years, and this is the one area that EVERYONE struggles with and why I always start with this habit. Let’s looks at some ideas to help you get more water into your day. Tips To Increase Your Water Intake
Another way to get your water in is to eat your water. Try incorporating these high water content foods into you daily meal plan.
Now that you know why you need water, what it does for you and how to increase your daily intake, all you need to do is be consistent to start feeling and seeing the benefits. If you’re trying to lose weight, just remember that you cannot rely solely on water to make that happen. It’s true that without enough water, you won’t see weight loss results, but you do need to eat healthily and exercise as well as get your water in to get and maintain your results. Wants some help making these habit changes? Join my online community Weight Loss After 50 for support, tips, free challenges and live broadcasts. Go to bit.ly/freefitgroup today.
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authorLisa Swanson is an ACE Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer and Orthopedic Exercise Specialist as well as a certified AASDN and PN level 1 nutritionist. With over 35 years experience helping people turn their lives around, she is on a mission to provide relevant and useful knowledge to help women in midlife reach their goals. featured onCheck out my interview with the Magnificent Midlife podcast on staying fit and healthy long-term.