Remember in your 20s and 30s when you thought you'd have it all figured out when you were older?
Of course, you’ve learned a thing or two (or a million) along the way. But somehow finding balance still seems so out of reach. And, you're not alone.
We can all relate to feeling stressed out and anxious over one thing or another. Stress is a normal experience. We all have stress and feel anxious from time to time.
Chronic stress and anxiety, however, is a serious problem. It can be detrimental not only to your mental health but your physical health as well. Many of us have good intentions when it comes to eating better. However, we just don't know where to start. Changing how we eat seems like it is so much work. In this article, I’m going to look at five simple ways you can improve your diet today. The best part is that these five things are so simple to do it's not even going to seem like work.
The biggest obstacle I hear from the people I coach is that they “just don’t have time.” People are SO busy today with work, families, managing a house, and the million other things that come up.
So it’s too often that they find themselves grabbing food for convenience – food that not only doesn’t serve their bodies but that also ends up negatively impacting the family and their waistlines. This leads to further guilt and a vicious cycle begins. It breaks my heart to see these smart, hard-working, and deserving people go down the rabbit hole of convenience because they just don’t know another way. So, I’m here to help! 🙂 Check out my strategies for healthy, fast, and convenient dinners (or whichever meal you choose!) Whatever your reasons are for transitioning to a vegan diet; animal rights, environmental issues, improving your health, it can be quite difficult and confusing to pull together a healthy menu. Eating a plant-based diet is like any other diet; you need balance to ensure you are getting all your nutrients and you need to realize it’s ok to not be perfect!
We all know that drinking water is good for us, but do you know why? Do you know how much you should be drinking? Are you aware of all the benefits of drinking water? IF not, it’s time to learn why you need focus on the most important macronutrient: WATER.
With all the activity trackers out there, I think it’s safe to say that most people know it’s important to get your steps in each and every day. The surgeon general recommends you strive for 10,000 steps per day to maintain a healthy fitness level. That equals about five miles a day. This is also approximately the equivalent to 30 minutes of physical activity.
I work with a lot of men and women trying to teach them how to shift their mindset from being on a diet to learning how to create a lifestyle that supports their goals. One of the biggest struggles they have is learning how to eat out at a restaurant without “blowing” their diet. It's much easier to just eat at home, since you know exactly what is going into your food. When eating out, you have no idea just how much fat, sodium, or other hidden calories could be hidden in your meal.
Lately there has been a lot of research into the ill effects being sedentary has on our bodies. During the day most of us are tied to a desk and remain there for long stretches of time. We commute to and from work in our cars, and return home only to sit in front of the TV.
No matter how good our intentions are we all come up against roadblocks on our weight loss journey. Trying to bust through those roadblocks can be extremely difficult, especially when they are built up through our own negative thoughts.
authorLisa Swanson is an ACE Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer and Orthopedic Exercise Specialist as well as a certified AASDN and PN level 1 nutritionist. With over 35 years experience helping people turn their lives around, she is on a mission to provide relevant and useful knowledge to help women in midlife reach their goals. featured onCheck out my interview with the Magnificent Midlife podcast on staying fit and healthy long-term.